Friday, 22 October 2010

Park plans exhibited!

On Wednesday the plans for Lambeth High Street Recreation Ground were exhibited at 125 Lambeth Walk.

Click on any of the photos below to see it in a larger size.

The main points of the plan are:

-create a new shallow water feature on the site of the existing disused water feature with fountains and a pump for children to play with

-move the entrance at Lambeth High Street to the corner junction with Old Paradise Street, creating a direct diagonal path across the path with better sightlines and a more obvious and welcoming entrance.

-renovate the existing play area and create a new natural play area in the north east corner

-redesign the walled garden, lowering wall and creating a growing area

-remove dense shrubs and some trees, and thin out remaining trees to improve sightlines and light

-create a boundary path around the perimeter

-new gates for the two entrances, and new wires above existing fencing for plants to be trailed along, raising the fence height to deter nighttime intruders

-excavate a route through the existing mound in the centre of the park to improve sightline from Whitgift House side to the water feature

Friday, 15 October 2010

Plans for the park ready to be shown

The Friends have been working hard during the year consulting park users and working with the Council's architect on the plans for a major refurbishment of the park.

The architect's proposals are now ready to be exhibited next Wednesday, 20 October 2010 at 125 Lambeth Walk from 8am until 8pm. 125 Lambeth Walk is the headquarters of the Whitgift Estate Residents' Association, next door to the SureStart office, facing onto the 'market square' off Lambeth Walk.

All are welcome to come and look at the plans and put forward their views.The Friends would be keen to encourage people with an interest in the group to join as members (it's currently free!) and will be consulting residents on their plans to change the name of the park to 'Old Paradise Gardens'.